142 Flow Regulator for DPCV

  • Revit, Bim, Store, Components, MEP, Object, Altecnic, Mechanical, Pipe, Merchant, 142, Flow, Regulator, DPCV, Valve
  • Revit, Bim, Store, Components, MEP, Object, Altecnic, Mechanical, Pipe, Merchant, 142, Flow, Regulator, DPCV, Valve
  • Revit, Bim, Store, Components, MEP, Object, Altecnic, Mechanical, Pipe, Merchant, 142, Flow, Regulator, DPCV, Valve
  • Revit, Bim, Store, Components, MEP, Object, Altecnic, Mechanical, Pipe, Merchant, 142, Flow, Regulator, DPCV, Valve
  • Revit, Bim, Store, Components, MEP, Object, Altecnic, Mechanical, Pipe, Merchant, 142, Flow, Regulator, DPCV, Valve
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  • Logo: Autodesk Revit


The differential pressure regulator keeps the difference in pressure found in two points of a plumbing circuit at a constant level, according to the set value.

The balancing valve (shut-off and pre-regulation) regulates the thermal medium flow rate supplied to the part of the circuit controlled by the differential pressure control valve.

The possibility of regulating the differential pressure values, to suit predetermined design flow rates, prevents phenomena of noise and high speed in variable flow rate systems.

The application of the series proposed is indicated for any type of system:

  • systems with zones or rising columns;
  • systems with condensation boilers;
  • district heating systems;
  • variable flow rate systems, with two-way thermostatic or modulating valves.


The circuit is controlled by the combined action of two devices: the balancing valve and the Dp regulator. Through a capillary tube connecting them, they act to control flow and differential pressure in the affected circuit area, at the variation of the operating conditions of the entire system. The balancing valve regulates the design flow rate by the action of a shaped obturator.

The differential pressure regulator acts proportionally to re-establish the preselected Dp conditions on the valve when changing the flow rate by means of devices such as for example, two-way thermostatic valves.

5 Pipe Accessory Family with one types;

142140 ½” FxF

142150 ¾” FxF

142160 1” FxF

142170 1 ¼” FxF

142180 1 ½” FxF

COBie and NBSCreate Parameters

Altecnic BIM Userguide

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