D934.PF - Double Regulating Valve

  • Revit, BIM, Store, Components, Architecture, Object, Free, Download, MEP, Mechanical, Fitting, Pipe, Fluid, Systems, Valve, Crane, MEP, Double, Regulating, D934, Push, Fit
  • Revit, BIM, Store, Components, Architecture, Object, Free, Download, MEP, Mechanical, Fitting, Pipe, Fluid, Systems, Valve, Crane, MEP, Double, Regulating, D934, Push, Fit
  • Revit, BIM, Store, Components, Architecture, Object, Free, Download, MEP, Mechanical, Fitting, Pipe, Fluid, Systems, Valve, Crane, MEP, Double, Regulating, D934, Push, Fit
  • Revit, BIM, Store, Components, Architecture, Object, Free, Download, MEP, Mechanical, Fitting, Pipe, Fluid, Systems, Valve, Crane, MEP, Double, Regulating, D934, Push, Fit
  • Revit, BIM, Store, Components, Architecture, Object, Free, Download, MEP, Mechanical, Fitting, Pipe, Fluid, Systems, Valve, Crane, MEP, Double, Regulating, D934, Push, Fit
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  • Logo: Autodesk Revit

D934 Push Fit valve has the authority to regulate flow in systems that have a flow measurement device installed

This download is for the D934.PF Double Regulating Valve from Crane Fluid Systems and includes all size variationsPlease load this component via the type catalogue to display all alternate sizes.

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