Fig. 4983G - Static Balancing Valve

  • Revit, BIM, Store, Components, Architecture, Object, Free, Download, MEP, Mechanical, Fitting, Pipe, Fluid, Systems, Valve, Hattersley, MEP, Fig.4983G, Static, Balancing,
  • Revit, BIM, Store, Components, Architecture, Object, Free, Download, MEP, Mechanical, Fitting, Pipe, Fluid, Systems, Valve, Hattersley, MEP, Fig.4983G, Static, Balancing,
  • Revit, BIM, Store, Components, Architecture, Object, Free, Download, MEP, Mechanical, Fitting, Pipe, Fluid, Systems, Valve, Hattersley, MEP, Fig.4983G, Static, Balancing,
  • Revit, BIM, Store, Components, Architecture, Object, Free, Download, MEP, Mechanical, Fitting, Pipe, Fluid, Systems, Valve, Hattersley, MEP, Fig.4983G, Static, Balancing,
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The 4983G's robust iron materials on the body gives the valve a long service life. The valve gives an accurate flow regulation with an easy to insatall and opperate handwheel. There is positive flow control at all handwheel setings. Flanged valve.

This download is for the Fig. 4983G - Static Balancing Valve from Hattersley and includes all size variationsPlease load this component via the type catalogue to display all alternate sizes.

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