Geberit Mapress Copper

  • Revit, BIM, Download, Free, Components, object, objects, Geberit, Mapress, Copper, Pipe, Fittings, Pressing
  • Revit, BIM, Download, Free, Components, object, objects, Geberit, Mapress, Copper, Pipe, Fittings, Pressing
  • Revit, BIM, Download, Free, Components, object, objects, Geberit, Mapress, Copper, Pipe, Fittings, Pressing
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Tried-and-tested material for pressing.

Many plumbers can still rely on copper and the Geberit Mapress Copper is extremely easy to press and can be used for a variety of applications including gas. The supply system can be processed quickly and reliably without soldering eliminating the risk of hot works.

This download will include the Mapress Copper range of pressing components by Geberit.

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