Polypipe Geomembranes & Geotextiles

  • Bim, content,object,component,BIM, Store, Revit, free, original, library, MEP, System, Project, Polpipe, Civils, Permavoid, Geomembrane, PV13008, PV13010, Permafilter, Geotextile, PV23002, Permatex, 300, PV23006, Capillary, PV23008, Polystorm, Soakaway, PVTS1000, HD, PVTS2000
  • Bim, content,object,component,BIM, Store, Revit, free, original, library, MEP, System, Project, Polpipe, Civils, Permavoid, Geomembrane, PV13008, PV13010, Permafilter, Geotextile, PV23002, Permatex, 300, PV23006, Capillary, PV23008, Polystorm, Soakaway, PVTS1000, HD, PVTS2000
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1 Revision

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  • Logo: Autodesk Revit

Permavoid Geomembrane Heavy duty polypropylene geomembrane. Used as an impermeable liner in sustainable drainage systems (SuDS) to create water tight tanks. Membrane specifciation depending on a risk assessment of the site and also the ground and groundwater conditions.

Permafilter Geotextile UV stabilized proprietry polyester mix, non-woven, dimpled, needle punched geotextile. Specifically designed to treat hydrocarbon pollution within sustainable drainage systems (SuDS) and different civil engineering applications. Permavoid Permatex 300 A heavy duty uv stabilized, polypropylene continuous filament needle-punched non-woven geotextile. Designed to guard and separate Permavoid geocellular layers. Comprising three-layer composite scrim reinforcement to limit elongation.

Permatex Capillary Geotextile A heavy-duty, non-woven, needle punched geotextile made from uv stabilised polypropylene. it's specifically formulated to absorb water to irrigate mineral substrates once used in conjunction with Permavoid Capillary Cone units. Polystorm Soakaway Geotextile UV stabilized, polypropylene continuous filament needle-punched non-woven geotextile, designed to enhancePolypipe Civils' Polystorm modular geocellular system. Polystorm HD Soakaway Geotextile A heavy duty uv stabilized, polypropylene continuous filament needle-punched non-woven geotextile, designed to enhance Polypipe Civils' Polystorm modular geocellular system.

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This download will contain the following:

The Polypipe Geomembranes & Geotextiles created by bimstore.co.uk for Polypipe Civils.

This component is created in Revit 2015 and is in line with 2015 industry standards.

Materials for;

  • Permavoid Geomembrane - PV13008
  • Permavoid Geomembrane - PV13010
  • Permafilter Geotextile - PV23002
  • Permavoid Permatex 300 - PV23006
  • Permatex Capillary Geotextile - PV23008
  • Polystorm Soakaway Geotextile - PVTS1000
  • Polystorm HD Soakaway Geotextile - PVTS2000
  • Please load this component via the type catalogue to display alternate sizes.
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