Spirax EasiHeat HTG

  • revit, BIM, Download, Free, Components, spirax, sarco, Hot, Water, Heating, EasiHeat, HTG,heat,transfer,solution,mechanical,equipment,SIMS,technology,compact,energy,effieicent,heat,hot,water,
  • revit, BIM, Download, Free, Components, spirax, sarco, Hot, Water, Heating, EasiHeat, HTG,heat,transfer,solution,mechanical,equipment,SIMS,technology,compact,energy,effieicent,heat,hot,water,
  • revit, BIM, Download, Free, Components, spirax, sarco, Hot, Water, Heating, EasiHeat, HTG,heat,transfer,solution,mechanical,equipment,SIMS,technology,compact,energy,effieicent,heat,hot,water,
  • revit, BIM, Download, Free, Components, spirax, sarco, Hot, Water, Heating, EasiHeat, HTG,heat,transfer,solution,mechanical,equipment,SIMS,technology,compact,energy,effieicent,heat,hot,water,
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  • Logo: Autodesk Revit

The Spirax EasiHeat™HTG incorporating SIMS™ technology, is a complete, compact and ready-to-use steam to water heat transfer package that delivers superior energy efficient performance. Outside weather compensation further increases energy efficiency, and a programmable timer ensure you only use energy to heat your building during the time is it required.

For standard closed heating circuit applications, the Spirax EasiHeat™ HTG can help you lower costs, tackle waste, mitigate your environmental impact and make a positive change towards a more sustainable future.

This download includes all available size variations for the Spirax EasiHeat HTG heat transfer solution.

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