Fig 7 Carbon Steel Strainer

  • revit, BIM, Download, Free, Components, spirax, sarco, Hot, Water, Heating, Strainers, Fig 7 Strainer, Separators, Carbon,Steel,baffle,screen
  • revit, BIM, Download, Free, Components, spirax, sarco, Hot, Water, Heating, Strainers, Fig 7 Strainer, Separators, Carbon,Steel,baffle,screen
  • revit, BIM, Download, Free, Components, spirax, sarco, Hot, Water, Heating, Strainers, Fig 7 Strainer, Separators, Carbon,Steel,baffle,screen
  • revit, BIM, Download, Free, Components, spirax, sarco, Hot, Water, Heating, Strainers, Fig 7 Strainer, Separators, Carbon,Steel,baffle,screen
  • revit, BIM, Download, Free, Components, spirax, sarco, Hot, Water, Heating, Strainers, Fig 7 Strainer, Separators, Carbon,Steel,baffle,screen
  • revit, BIM, Download, Free, Components, spirax, sarco, Hot, Water, Heating, Strainers, Fig 7 Strainer, Separators, Carbon,Steel,baffle,screen
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2 Revision

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  • Logo: Autodesk Revit

Pipeline strainers are essential to keep steam pipelines clean and protect equipment. Even small pieces of debris (such as scale, rust, jointing compound or weld metal) can cause major damage to complex items of plant.

This download includes all available size variations for the Spirax Sarco Fig 7 Strainer.

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